I ain't a coffee expert, I can't describe the range and variety of coffee taste. I know where to go for a good cup of coffee, nonetheless. On normal day, my reguler will be Iced Latte no sugar. And only best coffee shops can give me a fulfilling glass of Iced Latte. Anomali Coffe is one of them.

I brag to foreigners that Indonesia has the most exquisite coffee in the world. I know I brag it right. As somebody who enjoys coffee for the sake of satiating my taste bud, Anomali's selections of Wamena, Aceh Gayo and Toraja coffee guarantee enjoyment from the very first sip. Just me and my black head-scalding coffee.

Anomali coffee at Setiabudi Building and Senopati will always be my option for an afternoon with Kindle and spare time in my hand. The chicken picanta is handy too.